Sunday, 14 December 2008


Friday night was my best night since the beginning of this experiment. I felt great, awake and in control. In the morning I let myself go and lazed about. I stayed in bed and had several small naps in between reading and surfing the net. Eventually I jumped out of bed at 10am and went for my dance step aerobic class. I performed really well and my concentration level was also very high. I remembered the routine with no problems and physically was very strong too.
The day went by really well mainly cooking with my husband the for the dinner party. As I said earlier I didn’t have a very good nap at 8pm not the extra one at 10pm. Throughout the evening I’ve developed very strong headache. I wasn’t drinking any wine or eating any heavy/cooked food but still felt awful.
Eventually at around 2am after reading more about polyphasic sleep I decided to let go completely and sleep as long as possible.
I slept till 8am, woke up and slept again until around 10.30am. I felt better but my head was still hurting. I felt like I had a hangover but from what? I felt better and better as the day progressed and eventually went for a nap at 4pm.
This was a breakthrough. I had great quality nap and felt like a newborn baby after that. My next nap at 8pm was also very good and now I feel myself again, fresh and focused with no pain anywhere. I’m full of energy and creativity. At last!
I don’t know what to think about this weekend but for sure I went through some kind of breakthrough and stepped to the next level. It has been two weeks now so hopefully the worst is behind me. I just hope that from no on I will be able to improve every day.
It has been a hard and difficult journey so far and any set back could mean the end of it but I don’t want that of course.
This night will be the test and I’m looking forward towards it.

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