Sunday 28 October 2007

The ego

I have taken another huge step today in raising my consciousness and understanding who I'm on this planet and what is my purpose of life. I have already figured it out that my life purpose is to raise my own consciousness and therefore help others to realise who they are and leave the mass consciousness.
Today I've understood more clearly the ego. Ego is identification with my own body, with this world, not the planet Earth, not Gaia but the world of illusion, our reality. Now, we project our reality through our thoughts. This is very important to understand. Our thoughts create our world and that world is the illusion we live in. We identify ourselves with this world and therefore suffer greatly. We over identify ourselves with our bodies, our possessions and the opinions of others.
How silly is that! Finally that is so clear to me.
This is so simple and I heard it so many times form so many sources, it is so simple. Life is so simple. We make it so difficult and complicated; we overcomplicate it with our dramas, our self-inflicted sufferings. We get caught in it, as we are so blind.
We simply forget that God has created us and we project ourselves on this planet as humans to realise God, to be creators, to manifest God. I was told that so many times but today finally it makes so much more sense!
How many times I've heard that saying that we are One? Now I understand, we are One creation of God and we manifest ourselves on this planet in the forms of bodies to create, to manifest God. Why don't they teach us this at school?
It's so simple.
We are the essence of God and we project ourselves as forms (humans) on this planet. The essence is One bur there are many forms. Form = ego = duality, fear, separation and illusion.

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