Sunday, 28 December 2008

Polyphasic Sleep Day 0d

Starting again. My 4am nap the night before finished at 8am. Yes, I have to blame my husband Paul again. He woke up just as I was waking up from my nap, came upstairs to the spare bedroom, where I spend my nights and asked me for a cuddle back in our bed. Of course I was asleep straight away again, which makes my counting going to zero. I’m starting from a new block, this time ‘c’ and a new count of days/nights from now on.
I was actually laughing at myself as this whole challenge is really getting into a strange form. It’s fine with me, I will play this game with pleasure and fun. No more frustrations.

It’s 2.43am now and I had a good day. I went for a long walk again. It was very cold today and no sun, which is a pity but I still enjoyed it. I hardly watched any tv today so I feel good about too.
I had a bit of a dip in my energy after the 8pm nap so decided to finish the organization of my desk. It was worth while. My paperwork is sorted and I felt so much better afterwards. The good energy came back and I was able to study some Italian.
I’m joining an Italian class from the 5th of January and needs to catch up as the group already started back in the autumn. I’ve already had some introduction to Italian so it’s still quite easy for me, well at the moment. I hope to get some basics before I go to Italy in February.
3.12am need to do some ironing as I’m feeling a bit too sleepy for reading or writing…
I didn't get up from my 4am nap and slept till 7.12. No achievements.

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